Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
The following table gives you a brief overview of our programme offers. Please go to the
relevant section for more information.
Webinars Free webinar series (Page 7)
NHS Improvement
A programme of introductory online mini-courses, designed to
build improvement knowledge of individuals at any level.
(Page 7)
School for Change Agents The school will provide you with the skills, confidence and
community to make a difference in an ever-changing and
evolving environment. You will leave the school with the power
to make change in your organisation. (Page 8)
Life QI The all-in-one improvement platform. Where tools, people and
data come together to make improvement happen. (Page 9)
Leading in Safety, Quality
& Experience (SQE)
The SQE Programme runs for nine months. Participants work
together to develop innovative solutions to address common
issues in relation to safety, quality of care and patient experience
(Page 10)
Regional Quality
Improvement in Social
Work, Nursing & Midwifery
This programme provides an opportunity for Social Work,
Nursing and Midwifery staff and operational leaders to develop a
set of common techniques to achieve improvements in care and
lead improvement focused practice across Northern Ireland.
(Page 11)
SQE Lite Within the organisation there is an emphasis on developing the
skills of our staff to be able to carry out quality improvement
within their own areas of work. This programme has been
developed for all staff wanting to learn more about QI. (Page 12)
Specialist Trainees
Engaged in Leadership
Programme (STEP)
The Trust has aligned with the Belfast Health & Social Care Trust
to provide this programme. The STEP programme is a
Leadership Skills and Quality Improvement Programme for
Specialist Medical Trainees. (Page 13)
SQE for Junior Doctors This programme has been designed to support doctors in training
develop the skills and ability to run a quality improvement project.
(Page 14)