Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
Self-Directed Learning
Who can apply? How do I register?
This applies to all staff who work, or who
are in training, in health and social care.
This is available via HSC Learning Centre -
Digital Learning Platform, link below.
What does the programme involve? Programme Content
One hour e-learning or face to face
Understanding a quality culture
Understanding person centred care
Understanding improvement
Understanding the importance of
personal development and teamwork
Completion of Programme
Each participant will receive a certificate of
Level 1: Q2020 Strengthening Foundations for Improvement
In 2011 the Quality 2020 (Q2020) Developing Professional Leadership Task Group was established
and was tasked with developing an outline proposal for a multi-professional leadership programme.
The task group identified that the excellent arrangements were already in place for leadership
development across a range of providers; however there was a significant deficit in leadership skills
for quality improvement and safety. As a result, the Q2020 Attributes Framework for Health and
Social Care was developed, published in 2014, with the aim of enabling individuals to assess their:
current attributes (knowledge, skills and attitudes) in relation to leadership for quality
improvement (QI);
learning and development needs for current or future roles.