Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
Who can apply? How long is the Programme?
The school is open to anyone from around
the world. Meet a global community of
enthusiastic change agents. This is Free to
join and take part.
There will be five live weekly webinars which
will involve active participation, these will be
recorded and shared with participants
What does the programme involve? Programme Content
Six live webinars include:
Change Starts with Me
Resilience is an act of defiance
Purpose and power
Moving to action
Being a change agent in a complex
Leading change in personalised care
Completion of six online modules
In addition to the six fantastic webinars there
are also six online modules to support your
learning hosted by FutureLearn in partnership
with NHS Leadership Academy to
complement the webinars. These modules are
intended to help you reflect on your learning,
and how you might put it in to action.
Topics include:
Understanding New Power
Using power to make a difference
Bringing others on board
Using stories to create change
Making sense of complexity
Agents Completion of Programme
By completing the modules you will be able
to go deeper into the topics on the
webinars, as well as demonstrate your
learning by getting Certificated Change
Agent Status.
To help you maximise the value you can
get from the course, you might want to start
thinking about any improvement projects
you are already aware of, or set some time
aside to discuss improvement project
opportunities with your manager or
Those participants who complete the School
for Change Agents 2019 and want to receive
accreditation can do so by upgrading their
FutureLearn accounts at any time during or
after completion, for a single fee of £32. This
will be useful for participants who want to
evidence their completion of the School for
Change Agents, for example for Continuing
Professional Development or clinical revalidation.
However, if you don't want to
receive certification, you can complete the
whole course for free.
School for Change Agents
The school will provide you with the skills, confidence and community to make a difference in an
ever-changing and evolving environment. You will leave the school with the power to make change
in your organisation.
For more information including starting dates and to enrol, visit: http://horizonsnhs.com/school/