Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
Face-to-Face Training
Who can apply? How long is the Programme?
This programme is suitable for anyone who
wants to learn about Quality Improvement
(QI) and undertake a quality improvement
project. It is open to staff (all bands),
service users, carers, voluntary and
community organisations.
The SQE Programme runs for nine months
from October and is held in the Quality
Improvement & Innovation Centre (QIIC),
Trust Headquarters, Ulster Hospital,
Dundonald. Video conferencing is also
available from Downe Hospital and Lagan
Valley Hospital.
What does the programme involve? Programme Content
Skills and knowledge are developed using a
range of learning techniques and the
programme consists of three compulsory
Completion of eight mandatory Institute
for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) Open
School modules
Attendance at a monthly
tutorial/learning session
Participation in a quality improvement
The monthly tutorial/learning session brings
the participants together and a range of topics
are presented. Examples of topics include:
Safety, Quality & Experience - 'A Strategic
Masterclass in Improvement Science (two
Quality Improvement - 'My Journey'
Human Factors
The Patient Experience as a Catalyst for
Change - 'Kevin's Story'
Engaging others in Quality Improvement
Quality Improvement Project Completion of Programme
A structured approach is used for each QI
project based on the IHI Model for
Improvement. The Model is pragmatic and
orientated towards experiential learning as
it addresses three key improvement
questions associated with setting aims,
establishing measures and selecting
changes. Chosen changes are tested on a
small scale using PDSA (Plan, Do, Study,
Act) cycles.
Each participant will receive a certificate of
completion following verification that all three
compulsory components of the programme
have been met.
Leading in Safety, Quality & Experience (SQE) Programme
This programme was designed to build and develop skills and knowledge in continuous quality
improvement and rapid cycle testing, providing participants with the ability to make changes that
would improve patient and client outcomes.