Quality Improvement Academy - Prospectus 2019/20
How we can help you?
Building capacity and capability for innovation and improvement will bring huge benefits for
patients, carers and staff, as well as increased quality and value. The Quality Improvement
(QI) Academy was designed four years ago to build and develop skills and knowledge in
continuous quality improvement and rapid cycle testing, providing participants with the
ability to make changes that would improve patient and client outcomes.
The Academy offers a wide range of QI educational programmes and resources that you
can choose from to meet you and your team's needs - on individual, organisational or
system-wide levels.
About us
In the South Eastern HSC Trust, our vision is to provide and deliver opportunities to
develop your quality improvement knowledge and skills by working together to develop
innovative solutions to address common issues in relation to safety, quality of care and
patient experience.
The aim of the QI Academy is to bring together expertise to support Trust staff with service
improvement and innovation work. The Academy will provide the training and tools to
assist staff to channel their ideas into projects and initiatives that will lead to excellence in
service provision. It will host conferences and webinars, acting as not only a building but will
form a community of thinkers and innovators, providing facilities where staff can interact
and support innovative, creative thinking and learning.
Our programmes are offered in a variety of formats to suit different learning styles and
requirements and are matched against the levels of the Q2020 Attributes Framework for
Health and Social Care. Our Level 1 and 2 programmes are accessible to all. This
prospectus covers our offers in 2019/20. We do hope we can be of assistance to you in
your improvement work, and look forward to hearing from you. If you require any additional
support please contact us, we are happy to help.