Reducing Bureaucracy in Social Work
Diane Boyle
What are we
doing & why?
Outcome Measures
Next Steps
What has it achieved?
Barriers stopping social workers
from using ENISAT were
identified and ideas for change
were generated and tested.
A Pareto chart helped to identify
two primary barriers:
1. Referrals for carers were not
logged on the ENISAT system.
2. Staff did not feel confident in
using ENISAT.
Why is this important to
Service Users & Carers?
Less social work time spent on
bureaucracy means more time
spent with service users and carers.
Recording carers assessments
on ENISAT gives recognition to
their importance and saves
repetition as the online system is
shared with other relevant professionals.
the new
100% staff
Carers are vital
to community
care. This is
recognised in
their legal right
to an assessment
of their needs.
A previous quality improvement project
concluded that the use of ENISAT would
eliminate duplication and unnecessary
paperwork therefore making it the optimum
way to report on carers assessments. If a
carers assessment is completed on ENISAT all
required data is captured online and an
electronic report can be generated for the
data return to the Health & Social Care Board.
This eradicates the need for manual counts.
Social workers are keen to
support carers and also report back to the
Health and Social Care Board on the number
of carers assessments offered, declined and
completed. Social work teams are currently
manually collating this data which is a time
consuming and bureaucratic process.
Increase the number of
carers assessments entered
onto ENISAT* by the
Carrickfergus Community Care Team
Social Workers from a baseline of zero
to five per week within a 12 week period
ending on 23/08/19.
*ENISAT is an online version of the
Northern Ireland
Single Assessment Tool
Test run of generating electronic data report for carers assessment return
July-September 2019 working with E-systems manager.
Test reporting on declined carers assessments on ENISAT via service user
Share findings with Corporate Information Team.
Share findings with rest of Community Care Division and consider
Continue to work to seek digital solutions and prepare for paperless
future when regional Encompass E-system in place for all of Health and
Social Care.