R you following the Checking Procedure?
Barbara Burnside & 4D, Sonia Nelson & 4E
Why is this important?
4D Regional Spinal Unit and 4E
Regional Neurology Unit are Acute
Wards based in the Royal Victoria
Hospital Site. Both patient groups are
complex and are often administered
multiple medications. DATIX review
indicated an increased number of
medication administration errors
reported involving the Checking
Procedure's 5 'Rs': Right patient, Right
drug, Right dose, Right route, Right
• A QI project was undertaken with
aim to reduce administration of
medication errors involving the
checking process.
For Ward Nurses
• Stressful working environment,
complex patient group, multiple
medications to be administered,
distractions, interruptions during
administration of medicines, lack of
protected time/zone for
administration of medications
checking procedure
• Reduced Staffing levels, high use of
Agency Staff
For QI facilitators
• Staff unable to be released from
ward area to attend focus group
To reduce
errors in the
of medicines
process in
Ward 4D and
4E by 50% by
October 2020.
Outcome Measure
% or No of med errors by month in
ward 4d & 4e
Process Measures
Nurse Survey
% staff completed E-med modules
No of interruptions
Length of time for medicine round
Outcome Measures
What are we doing
and why?
Causes of interrup/ons during Administra/on of
Medicines 4E (08.15-09.30)
Count of events Checking procedure errors Ward 4E
(Oct 18- July 19)
Reported Medica/on Errors in Ward 4D & 4E
(Oct 18- July 19)
Checking procedure errors Ward 4D
(Oct 18- July 19)
General Observa/ons