Joanne Lytle
What are we doing & why?
The NISCC 2018/19 'Five Year Review of the Degree in Social Work' included consultation and review of 'Partnership
arrangements' with all stakeholders. Feedback evidenced that there needed to be reciprocal and symbiotic relationships
between our educators, including practice teachers to support the improvement of the Degree in Social Work.
We needed to improve practice teachers understanding of the NIDSWP and their engagement to promote their
professional responsibility to contribute to the improvement of the NI Degree in Social Work.
Initiative Aim
By October 2019, we will increase the knowledge
and engagement of Practice Teachers in Extern
'Homeless Support Team' (HST) re: the NIDSWP from
15% - 60% to increase their professional
responsibility for the improvement of the NI Degree
in Social Work.
Baseline Feedback
Measures & Data
Final Feedback
& way
Northern Ireland Degree in Social Work Partnership
Engagement with Practice Teachers