Mary Donaghy, Lead Nurse Surgery NHSCT
Why is this important?
Outcome measures
Learning and next steps
To Reduce the number of Medication
Administration errors by 50% in
Surgical Wards 1 and 2, Causeway
Hospital by May 2020.
What has it achieved?
What are we doing and why? INSERT
• Provide safe and effective care to patients
• NMC code - Preserve safety
• Increased incidences of medication errors.
Safe Administration of Medication
Aim Focus groups highlighted issue
of interruptions during
administration of medications
therefore impacting on safe
administration of medications.
Identified need to protect administration of medications -
PDSA cycles required
• Introduce red tabards
• Close door of bay/room
• Use of signage
• Reduce phone calls.
Outcome Measures-
Record number of Medication Administration errors monthly
• Time and commitment required
• Continue to spread within the two wards
• Consider impact of Agency staff
• Consider spread to other Surgical Wards.