This year social workers and nursing staff have joined together to participate in the
fourth year of the Regional Quality Improvement (QI) Programme. Following the
collaboration of social workers with nursing staff in 2018 the programme has continued
to expand and this year accommodated thirty-six participants from both the social work
and nursing professions leading a total of twenty-seven improvement initiatives across
the region.
We feel it is important that the learning from improvements is shared and therefore
this publication provides a copy of each QI project poster from this year's programme
and the outcomes achieved or to be achieved. Using the model for improvement, the
projects have focused on measuring the impact of improvement on the outcomes for
people who use our services.
A contact list for each participant / project is included in this booklet if you would like
further information.
We would like to congratulate all of the participants on completing the training and on
their commitment to making a difference to social work and nursing care. We would
also like to thank those involved in supporting the delivery of this programme for their
dedication and commitment to quality improvement and for putting improvement at the
heart of social work and nursing.
Sean Holland
Chief Social Work Officer
Prof. Charlotte McArdle
Chief Nursing Officer