Our ambition is to be a highly Our strategy is:
to use our underwriting expertise
respected specialist insurer with in London and Bermuda to write
a diverse portfolio by product high-margin volatile or complex risks;
to build our distribution in the UK, Europe
and geography. We believe and the US for our specialist retail products;
that building balance between to protect and nurture our distinctive culture
and ethos by recruiting the best people,
catastrophe-exposed business and by focusing on organic growth.
and less volatile local specialty
business gives us opportunities
for profitable growth throughout
the insurance cycle.
Strategic focus 100% = £1,792m
Total Group controlled income for 2012
28% Reinsurance Local errors and 18%
omissions and commercial
Tech and media 3%
errors and omissions
Art and private client 14%
5% Large property
2% Global errors and omissions
10% Specialty – terrorism, specie, Specialty – kidnap and 7%
political risks, aerospace ransom, contingency,
personal accident
Small property 5%
8% Marine and energy