At Hiscox several core values guide emissions. In the most recent independent
Corporate our business. These are: to challenge
convention, to act with integrity at all times,
review, Hiscox was recognised as being one
of the most improved performers.
responsibility to have respect for all our business partners,
to have courage, to do everything to the The marketplace
highest quality and to excel in the service Hiscox won Company of the Year at the 2012
we provide. These values underpin a London Market Awards, recognising the strength
reputation we have earned for integrity of the business over the previous 18 months.
and decent behaviour in everything we do, Robert Hiscox was presented with a lifetime
which we firmly believe is good for the morale achievement award at both the London Market
of staff and for the results of the business. Awards and the Insurance Insider awards in 2012.
£0.8m Hiscox’s commitment to responsible business
practices is reflected in:
Dealing with business partners
We regard insurance brokers as important
Donated to charities
stakeholders in our business, and we endeavour
The environment to have good relationships with them to create
It is our policy to have a responsible approach a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
to identifying, and then minimising, the Clear communication is key and Hiscox regularly
environmental impacts of our business activities updates partner brokers on new developments
and those that arise from our ownership and at Hiscox and in the insurance industry. Hiscox
occupation of office premises. In doing so, we UK has instigated a ‘superb service’ ethos,
seek to reduce the amount of waste our activities developing a greater understanding of what
produce, and the amount of resources we works for individual brokers and thereby building
consume. We have made commitments to strong relationships. Hiscox UK and Hiscox
our shareholders and staff to reduce our carbon London Market have Chartered Insurer status
footprint. Our environmental policy encourages from The Chartered Insurance Institute,
the business to operate more sustainably by: recognising the professionalism and expertise
measuring our use of water, energy and other of staff and making it easier to build relationships
products in order to reduce consumption over with like-minded business partners.
time; buying sustainably-sourced or energy-
efficient products where we can; and minimising Dealing with investors
waste by recycling products as much as In keeping with our policy of open and
is feasible. We generate significant cost and transparent communication, Hiscox reports
energy savings primarily through careful use both its half and full year results to investors via
of electricity, water and gas. a series of presentations as well as ensuring all
relevant Group financial information is available
For the third year in a row, Hiscox UK has been on the corporate website. In addition, senior
carbon neutral. Our carbon footprint has management and key employees meet investors
improved by approximately 5% in comparison to and analysts throughout the year to explain
the last audited year. The balance of our carbon and answer questions on the Group financial
emissions is offset through an investment in an performance and business strategy.
African Energy Efficient Stove Project in Kenya.
Replacing open fires with energy efficient stoves Dealing with customers
in villages throughout the area results in reduced Hiscox is dedicated to providing its customers
firewood and therefore carbon emissions. The with risk management advice to prevent
stoves more than halve the amount of smoke distressing losses such as burglary and fire in
from firewood, benefiting family health. For more the home. Similarly, when a small business client
information, please go to is sued, our expert claims staff bring to bear
years of expertise to defend the client or resolve
Our sustainability efforts have also been the situation swiftly. The Hiscox philosophy is
recognised by the City of London Corporation. that insurance is a promise to pay, so should a
The London office was recently awarded loss occur, we aim to fully support our customers
Platinum in the Clean City Award scheme. and to pay their claims as soon as possible.
Hiscox was awarded ‘Best Small Business
Hiscox Bermuda received the Greenrock Green Insurer’ by Start your Business magazine.
Workplace award for the second year in a row. Other accolades include the Customer Care
Greenrock Green Workplace Awards (GWAs) is Award from The British Insurance Awards 2012,
an environmental competition bringing together for putting our customers at the heart of the
businesses of all sizes that share the same vision business and moving against the tide by bringing
of a greener workplace. direct household claims back in-house.
Hiscox is also a founding member of ClimateWise The workplace
which aims to leverage the insurance industry’s Hiscox Spain gained recognition for Best
Hiscox UK expertise to understand, communicate and act Workplace 2012 as awarded by Great Place
on climate change risk. Members commit to six to Work.
key principles and are independently reviewed
against these annually. These principles span Culture
Working with
risk analysis, public policy, influencing our The Hiscox culture is underpinned by a set
customers, investment and managing our direct of core values that determine a standard
28 Corporate responsibility Hiscox Ltd Report and Accounts 2012