RSPCA welfare standards for farmed Atlantic salmon 20 September 2015
* indicates an amendment
Environmental impact
The farm needs to be operated with respect for the natural environment and employees need to
recognise their duty to care for the wider environment. All reasonable steps need to be taken to
minimise the ecological impact of the farming system. Producers need to draw up an
Environmental Impact Plan within two years of joining the scheme.
EVI 1.1 An Environmental Impact Plan must be drawn up and complied with.
EVI 1.2 All relevant legislation, official guidelines and Codes of Practice must be strictly adhered to and understood.
These standards are primarily aimed at the welfare of farmed fish. However, the potential for
aquaculture to have wider environmental effects must also be considered. In addition to fully
complying with all relevant legislation and recommendations, the farmer should demonstrably and
positively review environmental protection policies as developments in research and technology
allow. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that all employees recognise their duty
to care for the natural environment and monitor possible impacts on it.
EVI 2.1 * Fish farms must have a site specific containment plan in place with the aim of preventing fish escaping and
which includes plans for fish recapture.
EVI 2.2 Enclosures must be designed and sited in such a way that they are not likely to be damaged by adverse
weather conditions.
EVI 2.3 Fish farms must have a containment plan in place with the aim of preventing fish escaping.
Farmed fish which escape may have an adverse ecological impact and are also likely to
experience welfare problems. It is therefore essential that all possible reasonable measures
are being taken to prevent farmed fish escaping.
Extraneous species
EVI 3.1 Extraneous species must be returned to the wild, or humanely culled, as advised by the designated
veterinary surgeon.
EVI 4.1 Enclosures must be fallowed as detailed in the Environmental Impact Plan to allow recovery of the benthos
and help to reduce sea lice populations.
EVI 5.1 Sites must be kept tidy and all waste must be disposed of by an approved method; burning of plastics
is prohibited.