RSPCA welfare standards for farmed Atlantic salmon 40 September 2015
* indicates an amendment
T 8.7 * The unloading of fish must not take place if adverse weather conditions are likely to compromise the welfare
of the fish.
T 8.8 * Dead and moribund fish must be disposed of humanely and hygienically.
T 8.9 * Records of all dead and moribund fish must:
a) be kept
b) include the cause of death where possible and any other information relating to the health and welfare
of the fish
c) be made available for inspection by the Freedom Food Assessor or RSPCA Farm Livestock Officer for
at least one year.
T 8.10 * Producers must be able to demonstrate that they have done everything possible to ensure maximum
survival when smolts are transferred to sea.
* Harvest wellboats
T 9.1 * From 1st January 2016, cameras must be fitted to the outside of the bridge so that loading can be recorded.
T 9.2 * From 1st January 2016, all wellboats registered to operate in Scottish waters must be fitted with autologging systems
which can:
a) record their position
b) determine whether all inlet, outlet and bottom valves are either open or closed at any one time
c) enable the information to be available in real time and retrospectively.
T 9.3 * All auto-logging systems must have been certified as being accurate and fit for purpose by a competent
independent expert.
T 9.4 * If for reasons beyond the control of the site manager (e.g. because of a disease outbreak) a new wellboat
has to be brought in which does not have an autologging capability, neighbouring farms must be informed.
T 9.5 * For Freedom Food approved vessels, crew members and skippers must have attended a recognised fish
welfare course within 12 months after joining the vessel.
T 9.6 * Wellboats must be equipped with water quality monitoring and maintenance equipment, which must be
calibrated so it is working and fit for purpose at all times.
T 9.7 * Where calibration is not possible, there must be a demonstrable way of ensuring that the equipment is
working properly.
T 9.8 * Wellboat cleaning procedures must comply with the FRS disinfection guide version 4
T 9.9 Water must be chilled at a maximum of 1.5
oC per hour from ambient.
T 9.10 The pH of the wellwater must always be between 6.8 and 8.
T 9.11 * The maximum stocking density in the well must be based on the liveweight of the fish (+/-) 10%.
The aspiration of the RSPCA is to have dedicated onshore facilities strategically located where
discharge water can be pumped, filtered and/or treated. When these onshore facilities are
available, the discharge of water at sea will be prohibited.