RSPCA welfare standards for farmed Atlantic salmon 41 September 2015
* indicates an amendment
T 9.12 * Only disinfected water can be discharged upstream of another site.
T 9.13 * Any onboard/onshore water treatment/filtration methods must be recorded, and in the case of Freedom
Food members the records made available to the Freedom Food Assessor and the RSPCA Farm
Livestock Officer.
T 9.14 * From the 1st January 2016 all new harvest vessels operating under the Freedom Food Scheme must have
an effective lice filtration system in place.
T 9.15 * As part of the Area Management Agreement (AMA), site managers must inform their neighbours when a
discharge is going to take place.
* Dead haul wellboats
T 10.1 * Wellboats arriving in the United Kingdom (UK) to work within UK waters must carry a valid certificate of
disinfection from their country of origin.
T 10.2 * Inter-site movement of vessels must be kept to a minimum.
T 10.3 * Any visible surface mortalities or obviously moribund fish on the surface must be removed before further
operations begin.
T 10.4 * The cleaning and disinfection procedures for wellboats as set out in the current version of FRS disinfection
guide version 4 (
must be adhered to, and a checklist signed by the skipper upon completion.
T 10.5 * All equipment must be checked regularly and maintained in accordance with manufacturers' or in-house
maintenance schedules.
T 10.6 * All equipment must be maintained in clean, hygienic conditions and must be thoroughly disinfected and
rinsed after use.
T 10.7 * All storage facilities must:
a) be bunded
b) be wind and water tight
c) protect against other animals.
T 10.8 * All solid and liquid waste materials must be stored and disposed of appropriately and in accordance with
relevant legislation.
T 10.9 * Dead haul wellboats must not discharge remedial blood water within 5km of any fish farm.
T 10.10 * In the case of any remedial blood water that is discharged at sea:
a) this must be rendered inert and disinfected
b) the treatment methods must be recorded and in the case of Freedom Food members the records made
available to the Freedom Food Assessor or RSPCA Farm Livestock Officer.
T 10.11 * The grid reference where the disinfected blood water is discharged must be recorded and in the case of
Freedom Food members be available to the Freedom Food Assessor or RSPCA Farm Livestock Officer.