Appendix 2
RSPCA welfare standards for farmed Atlantic salmon 66 September 2015
* indicates an amendment
* Level 3: Undesirable
Over-excited swimming behaviour
(different directions).
More than 20 dorsal fins on surface.
Some white sides constantly on surface.
* Level 4: Unacceptable - overcrowding
Over-excited swimming behaviour (different
directions). Some fish decreasing activity.
Pumping rate: Not possible to keep a
constant rate.
Many fish stuck up against the crowd net.
Many dorsal fins on surface and numerous
white sides on surface.
A few very lethargic fish.
Level 5: Unacceptable - extreme overcrowding
Whole crowd boiling.
Potential for large fish kill without
rapid release.
Reproduced with kind permission of Alastair Smart of Smart Aqua, Aquaculture, Hazelwood Park,
South Australia.
* Please note that the photographs for levels 3 and 4 as received have been reordered in consultation with
the RSPCA Salmon Standards Working Group.