Corporate Social Responsibility 41
people culture through an effective internal female representation at senior levels and
communications programme which celebrates our reviews progress.
values, image and competitiveness.
Talent management
The management team actively engages with an We’re committed to training and developing our
Employee Consultative Forum on issues important people so they fulfil their potential. Everyone
to employees, including their working environment, has access to training programmes and follows
facilities, terms of employment and safety. a personal development plan to ensure they are
equipped with the right skills and behaviours for
Equal opportunities their job.
We are committed to equal opportunities and the
fair treatment of all our employees. In line with All our people have access to an e-learning platform
our corporate values we undertake to treat all our which helps our people develop their skills through
employees with dignity, respect, and consideration. training that is accessible from both work and
We recognise our commitments under the law home. It offers an extensive programme that can
and are resolute to providing equal opportunities be tailored to the individual’s personal development
by ensuring that our practices and procedures needs – covering induction and core knowledge to
follow legal requirements and good practice, operational and leadership skills.
as recommended by the Commission for Racial
Equality, the Equal Opportunities Commission, We offer a range of training academies, open primarily
and the Disability Rights Commission. to internal candidates, with the aim of providing a
structured career path and the opportunity to gain
Our policy is to treat all employees and applicants external qualifications whilst in their role. We also
Statements and Reviews
fairly and equitably regardless of gender, racial or encourage our people to seek career progression
cultural grounds, disability, age, marital status, within the group. During 2012 over 750 people
religious beliefs, sexual orientation, trade union moved into a different position internally.
activity or any other category where discrimination
cannot be reasonably justified. We will ensure that Our pay and reward structure is designed to support
no requirement or condition will be imposed without the retention of our talented people and more
justification that could disadvantage individuals on information can be found in the Remuneration
any of these grounds. Report on pages 44 to 49.
Diversity Our environment
Our Businesses
Diversity and inclusion are fundamental to our Looking after the environment is part of being
culture and core values, and in creating an a responsible business. As such we have an
innovative, collaborative and high-energy work environmental strategy and policy to provide
environment. By embracing an inclusive culture a structured approach across all areas of our
that supports diverse talent, our people enable business to manage, monitor and minimise our
LV= to be successful. environmental impact. We’re committed to the
continuous improvement of our impact on the
Risk Management
Our workforce gives customers access to a rich environment and wherever practical we seek to
range of talent, representing different styles, reduce our footprint.
perspectives and experiences. This range of
diversity, including gender balance, at all levels in Some of the ways we do this are:
the organisation is a critical strength that we are l Actively promoting and investing in efficiency
committed to fostering through a clear diversity and measures in our offices;
inclusion programme. l Ensuring all offices are ‘binless’ with recycling
Corporate Governance
facilities in break areas;
LV= recognises the need to address gender l Effectively reducing the use of water by using
imbalance at senior levels and therefore is working water savers;
to identify and assist senior women through an l Minimising waste and promoting recycling
appropriate mentoring and diversity programme. wherever possible;
Our new chairman for 2013, Mark Austen, has been l Placing energy efficiency as a significant factor in
invited to join the 30% club (a group of chairmen the purchase, lease or refurbishment of any LV=
voluntarily committed to bringing more women office; and
onto UK corporate boards) and reflects the board’s l Monitoring our environmental performance, code
commitment to encouraging diversity within the of conduct and ethical standards.
Our Accounts
workplace. The board also sets periodic targets for