The year started with Carpie
Unplugged - our acoustic music
evening which always takes
place in the first few weeks of
term, and so is the perfect opportunity
to settle in the newcomers. Highlights
included two of the youngest members of
the House - Scarlett Manger and Charly
Beak - overcoming their fears of performing
for the first time at senior school, and Flora
Cohen, who hosted in her own inimitable
style. The barbecue (a vital ingredient of
the evening) provided a foretaste of many
other enjoyable occasions through the
year. Come sunshine or drizzle, weekends
often ended in Carpenter garden with Mrs
Cole's delicious marinated chicken!
Carpie girls enjoy rising to the challenge
of inter-House competitions, and although
we narrowly missed the House Debating
title and didn't quite retain the Chess
trophy, we were thrilled to win the newly
introduced 'House Philosothon.' Georgia
Drew led this event for Carpenter, and with
an impressive knowledge of existentialism
up her sleeve, the House team was
When it came to sport, Carpenter came
into its own, with Megan Kimber leading
the way in the steeplechase, way ahead
of the competition. Sports Day was
another triumph and we managed to gain
the girls' House title, with Olivia Pittman
winning the senior girls' victrix ludorum.
Enthusiastically led by school swimming
captain Emily Parris, who won the
inaugural girls' Plunge, we also managed
to take the swimming title.
The annual House ball, organised by
6.2, took as its theme Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory. After hours
spent working as a year group making
decorations (including golden tickets and
giant Wonka bars), organising the meal
(on sweet-scattered tables), and allocating
the seating plan, it was an unforgettable
Let them Eat Cake
Our House charity fundraising has also
been in full swing. In September girls in all
year groups contributed to the Macmillan
Cake Sale with donations of tantalisingly
decorated cakes; we raised over £100. It
made a delicious and bountiful Friday tea!
We also continued our tradition of selling
'Memory Stars' to parents and visitors attending school productions towards
the end of the Michaelmas Term, in aid of
Children's Hospice South West. In all, we
were able to send cheques for well over
£1,000 to our various nominated charities.
Although the 6.1 and 6.2 girls enjoyed
evenings to mark the
end of exams, our
last night as the 2013-
14 Carpenter House
ended in a triumph of
games in the garden,
emotional speeches,
and yet another
delicious barbecue.
Carpenter girls left for
the summer holidays
with happy memories
and high spirits.
5th Form celebrations post-GCSE
The winning Philosothon team: Tessa Counsell,
Laura Bentley, Cathy Vicarage, Emma Smith and
Victoria Smith
Third Form pupils ready for the end of term ball: Olivia Shaw, Scarlett
Manger, Phoebe Swan, Cathy Vicarage, Amber Stell, Anna Crocker, Charly
Beak and Maria Mosolova
By Annabelle Hall, 6.1 6.1 Dinner in the House garden
House Reports 9