As in all schools in which I have worked,
the Chapel at King's is a special place and
the school community which gathers in
Chapel is made up of a wide range of
beliefs, convictions, questions and ideas. That is the
way it should be and it is this that makes our
Chapel a vibrant place. God is worshiped
with a healthy diversity and ideas about
life and faith are exchanged.
The Michaelmas term this year was
marked by my favourite service outside
of Christmas: the feast of St Francis of
Assisi, the patron saint of animals and
the environment. I brought in a goat
from the mini farm, and pupils and staff brought in puppies,
dogs and cats, a gold fish and photographs of their beloved
pets. They were all blessed at the altar in a wonderfully rowdy
and happy Eucharist.
The Headmaster preached at the Remembrance Sunday
Eucharist. It is the tradition at King's for an Old Aluredian who is
currently serving in HM forces, or who has military connections,
to lay the wreath on behalf of the Old Aluredian Club. This year
it was our privilege to welcome back Royal Marine Tom Smith.
Tom left King's in 2010 where he was in Tuckwell House. He has
been posted to Scotland, the 2012 Olympics, the Mediterranean
and Jordan.
The joy of the coming of Christ into the world was celebrated with
a service of nine lessons with carols at the end of the Michaelmas
term. The Senior Provost of the Woodard Corporation, Canon
Brendan Clover, and our acting Provost, Bishop John Kirkham,
took part, with the Chaplain officiating. Our wonderful choir led the
singing of carols, and the nine lessons were read by representatives
of the whole school community. With parents packing the
pews it was a true community occasion.
The main service of the Lent term is Confirmation and First
Communion. This year the Acting Provost of Taunton,
Bishop John Kirkham, confirmed Joe Woodhead,
Amelia Banton, Tilly Everard, Sam Everard,
Tom Maybery, Tara Bell, Henry Jeans
and Hugo Campbell-Smith. My thanks
to Mr and Mrs Ridley for accompanying
the candidates on their retreat to
Hilfield Friary, and to the Franciscan
brothers for leading it. We pray for
God's continued blessing on them. The
term was brought to an end with the
wonderful Orchestral and Choral concert in the Chapel.
In the summer term the end of the school year was marked
with the traditional 'walkabout'. Here, the leavers walk with the
Chaplain, Headmaster and other teachers around key places in
the school, stopping at each for a reading connected with that
spot. The following day, the Chaplain at Taunton Academy,
Father Mike Haslam, preached at the Leavers' Eucharist.
During the year the Oasis meditations have attracted good numbers.
Oasis is a voluntary devotion in Chapel on a Tuesday evening, led by
pupils and followed by hot chocolate and doughnuts.
The school has enjoyed sermons from numerous guest preachers,
including Archdeacon John Reed, Mr John Allen, Father Julian
from Holy Trinity and Father James Theodosius, Chaplain at
Exeter University.
My thanks especially to Mr Albery, Mr Campbell and the choir
for all their work week by week. Thanks also to the members of
staff and pupils who have so willingly assisted with the chalice:
The Headmaster, Mr Lawford, Mrs McSwiggan, Mr Smith, Mrs
Butler, Mr Wood, Mr Lang, Mrs Gregory, Mr McHenry, Mr Mason,
Angus Urquhart and Will MacEacharn. Thanks also to Miss
Dora Antoniou, who has kept the Chapel clean and adorned the
sanctuary with flowers every week.
The charities which benefitted this year from our Chapel Fund
are the British Legion, The Christmas Stars project, Shelter
Box, Diocese of Bath and Wells Zambia Appeal, The Woodard
Langalanga School, Young People with M.E., Great Ormond
Street Hospital and the DEC Philippines Appeal.
Father Mark Smith
Chaplain Mark Smith reflects on the events that punctuate the Chapel's year
By Father Mark
Eucharist in the amphitheatre