The highlight of the year for the
Navy Section has been the new
RYA Essential Navigation and
Seamanship course which we
introduced for the Fifth Form Cadets and
any Sixth Formers who were interested. It
is run in the winter months by Mr Richard
Northover from the Hydrographic Office
in Taunton, assisted by S/Lt Laurie
Mason, a parent who has helped us with
sailing over several years. Mr Mason was
commissioned by the CCF (RN) in June,
just after Lt. Mark Smith was promoted to
Lt. Commander and 2ic of the CCF.
For the sailing season, we decided to
move back to the Wimbleball outdoor and
sailing centre and we had a good season of
sailing, with very few afternoons cancelled
because of unsuitable weather. The new
CCF safety boat, purchased in March 2014,
has been a great asset and constitutes a
saving to Navy Section parents.
Our October Field Day was held at
Wimbleball Lake. All Fifth and Sixth
Form Cadets camped overnight and got
in some good sailing hours on the lake.
Lt. Smith drove the Fourth Form Cadets to
Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth
for a day of afloat training and getting to
know the College. In June the Field Day
for Fourth and Sixth Formers was held
at HMS Raleigh, with sailing at Jupiter
Point all day on the Monday. The weather
was glorious and the 10-pin bowling on
the Sunday evening was hilarious!
Many Cadets have attended RN camps
and courses during the year. Some
popular choices were pool lifeguarding,
paddle sports, basic rock climbing and
advanced sailing. One Cadet attended
the HMS Bristol summer camp and
another enjoyed the Dartmouth summer
camp. Judging by the feedback, the most
exciting course was Competent Crew,
which is a precursor to the Day Skipper
course. The course involved a week of
sailing in the Solent in a 32 ft Royal Navy
Yacht: demanding - but rewarding.
Officers this year were S/Lt. Cargen,
S/Lt. Mason and Lt. Smith, with thanks to
Mr Northover for giving up his time to run
the RYA Navigation Course.
By Mark Smith
Rigged and ready - Caitlin Everitt, Olivia Hake, Elizabeth Burger, Tom Hall, Toby
Glazebrook, Freya Wiessler, Sam Loomie, Morgan Tottle and Hannah Welsh
Mr David Hands attempts to start the safety boat
Learning the ropes - Edward Byrom and Alex Li