Message from the
The academic year 2013-14
was one of excitement, great
progress and tremendous
success for King's College. There
was, as always, a sense of adventure
as the year went by, with some
high points that will forever stick
in my mind - the opening of the
amphitheatre; the girls winning
the national football tournament;
the Pringle team winning their
gruelling event yet again; Thomas
Prayer achieving five A*s at A level;
the introduction of the Philosothon.
As a school, we continued to set
high standards in everything we
did, while never losing that unique
King's spirit and cheerfulness -
that slight edge of eccentricity and
charm which makes this such a
wonderful place to live and work.
This magazine stands as a record of
all that our pupils and staff achieved
during those twelve exciting months.
Read it with pride.
South African Exchange
For the third year running, an exchange
took place between King's and the South
African College School (SACS), for
boys, and Herschel Girls' School. The
pupils spend a month at the respective
schools, so gain a huge amount from the
experience. The exchange pupils have
gained life-long insights into another
country's culture and education, while
the King's pupils who didn't go, had the
pleasure of meeting the South African
high-fliers who came over to King's -
unfailingly great ambassadors for their
schools, and wonderful reminders of how
charming old-fashioned manners can be.
In January 2014, King's
welcomed Sihle Lonzi and
Gareth Tate. The boys stayed
in Woodard, where they
forged many new friendships.
Gareth showed great skill on
the hockey field, while Sihle
joined in with the choir. The
boys were also able to sample
some of the local West Country
cuisine, with House trips to
various eateries in Taunton.
They also ventured further
afield and explored London.
The girls who came over were Jenna
Baikoff and Tessa Botha, who stayed in
Taylor House. Jenna threw herself into
every House competition going, including
the Philosothon and steeplechase, and
also the Rock Concert, while Tessa joined
the choir and the CCF.
In July, Henry Biggs and Cameron Smith
were the King's contingent to return the
visit, accompanied by Mr Terry McHenry.
They took part in the daily life of the
school, from southern hemisphere rugby
to Afrikaans lessons. They also found
time to explore Cape Town, including a
memorable open-top bus tour that took
in an Ethiopian restaurant and tea at the
Mount Nelson Hotel.
A selection of events from another busy year at King's
Sihle and Gareth
Henry Biggs, Mr McHenry and Cameron Smith outside SACS
The King's Community