April 2014
One for the record
Assist the Development Office
and 40s and 50s Club in an
exciting project to produce a
booklet of OA memories. Around
9% of the leavers from those
years have submitted accounts
of their lives after King's,
to produce a fascinating
and hugely diverse story
of OAs in the last half century. Copies of
Old Aluredian 1940s and 1950s Memories are
available from the Development Office .
May 2014
Archives go digital 2
Installation of new collections management
software revolutionises our ability to record
and organise the historical collections. The
dream of having online information about the
Archives comes a step closer; only 30 years
of cataloguing backlog to catch up with now .
February 2014
Preserving our
The cricket team
displayed in the
main pavilion are
photographed, unframed
and replaced with digitally enhanced
copies for the new season. The process
reveals how damaged the photographs
(dating from 1882) had become in the damp
conditions, and our photographer Richard
Sainsbury needs to go back through his
family firm's own archive to replace many
of those from the last thirty years .
March 2014
Refresh and renew
Begin a two month
project to update the
displays in the Archive
Centre. After recovering the walls with
fabric (an incredibly sticky and fiddly
process) new displays are created on the
themes of Outstanding OAs, World War I
and King's in a Nutshell .
June 2014
The Archive
Centre has
outside visitors
most months, often
from OAs visiting
the west country or those with an historical
family connection with the school. Our busiest
day of the year, however, is always OA
Day and it is a pleasure to welcome old
friends and new. This year visitors could look
through the school's scrapbooks from 1930
and team photographs, as well as seeing
the new displays .
Old Aluredian
1940s and 1950s Memories
First Edition 2014
January 2014
Whilst most of
Somerset is
inundated by rain,
the Archives has been
awash with paper
after the Estates
Office cleared out 100 years of plans. They
graphically illustrate the changing face of
the school over the past century .
July 2014
Thank you
Time to say farewell to
our 6th Form volunteers
this year - Linda Brosig
(pictured), Dominica Taylor
and Isabella Clarkson -
and to remember the many
contributions from former
staff and OAs - Chris Warren, Roger Mott,
Ben Sykes, Pete Dossett, Graham and
Patricia Hall. Without volunteers the Archive
Centre would achieve far less and not be
nearly so much fun to work in .
The King's Community 33