John Hall playing for the 1st team
front, losing Aaron Chapman to England Rugby trials restricted our
attacking options, but Austin Lui and Ben O'Neill were a consistent
threat in front of goal in every game. Top goal scorer was Ben O'Neill.
The Junior Colts B had a roller-coaster of a season, winning big
and losing big! The team learned the valuable lesson that sport
is at least as much psychological as physical, with 7-0 and 8-1
wins followed by heavy losses. But valuable lessons were learned
For the U14As the overall results don't fully reflect the commitment,
cohesion and skills improvement that the team showed during a
very promising season. However, the U14Bs had a great season,
with some very notable results and huge improvements made along
the way. High points include drawing against Millfield and winning
by very large margins against Blundell's and Clifton College. The
team grew in confidence and character as the season progressed
and many boys learned to love their hockey and to be proud of the
targets they reached.
This was a brilliant season for the U14Cs, in which the boys
showed good commitment and plenty of skill. Many of them started
the season with limited hockey knowledge and experience, but
developed massively throughout the term, playing some exciting
hockey. The highlight was an 8-0 win over Millfield, where all
players acquitted themselves well. The Cs had the best statistics of
any team, losing only one of their matches.
Beyond King's
Recognition needs to go to the many King's players who
worked their way through the representative ladder within
the England Hockey Single System. The following players all
made it to JRPC and above in the last cycle: Imogen Keeling,
Ben O'Neill, Grace Murray, John Hall, George Retter, Edward
Denton, Leea Dod, Tom Pittman, Alia Hamaoui, Max Beale
and Rajpal Matharu.
Henry Cole and Bradley Lynch celebrate in an U16A match
Tom Hall takes a shot for the U14As