31. Related party transactions
Key management personnel
In 2010, the Group acquired 4.95% shares from the employees of Barnwoods (of whom one was also a director of Barnwoods) for a total
consideration of £328,000 of which £138,000 was paid in 2010 and the remaining £190,000 is payable in March 2013.
In 2011, one of the Executive Directors, Alison Traversoni benefitted from a reduction of £285 in Your Move fees being staff discount. Other than the
above and the Directors’ Remuneration as disclosed in note 12, there were no related party transactions with key management personnel.
transactions with cybele Solutions Holdings Limited and its subsidiaries
2012 2011
£’000 £’000
Sales 128 438
Purchases (20) (29)
Year-end creditor balance – (6)
transactions with tM group and its subsidiaries
2012 2011
£’000 £’000
Sales 633 –
Purchases – –
Year-end creditor balance – –
32. capital commitments
2012 2011
£’000 £’000
Capital expenditure contracted for but not provided 140 51
Financial Statements