LSL’s Market Intelligence
Directors’ Report and Business Review
Estate Agency and templeton tenant Arrears tracker
This quarterly analysis is based on LSL
Related Services and English Housing Survey data and
LSL Property Services/Acadametrics reports on the level of tenant arrears.
House Price index For further information or to view the latest copy
of the tracker visit:
The monthly House Price Index reports on
transaction numbers and the movement of LSL Landlord Sentiment Survey
average house prices in England and Wales, A quarterly survey which determines the
including regional data. It is the only house price views of landlords on the UK lettings market.
index to use the actual prices at which every For further information or to view the latest copy
property in England and Wales was transacted, of the report visit:
including prices for properties bought with
cash, derived from Land Registry house price
data – seasonally and mix adjusted by property
Surveying and
type – as opposed to valuation estimates Valuation Services
or asking prices (Crown copyright material e.surv chartered Surveyors Mortgage
reproduced with the permission of the Land Monitor – tomorrow’s mortgage data today
Registry). It also uses the price of every single Each month e.surv Chartered Surveyors
relevant transaction, as opposed to prices based produces a forecast on mortgage lending
upon samples. There is also a separate House volumes and loan to value trends. It does this
Price Index for Scotland and for Wales. by analysing tens of thousands of valuations
For further information or to view the latest copy and uses these trends to extrapolate from the
of the report visit:
Bank of England’s mortgage data to publish
mortgage approval numbers, weeks before
LSL Buy to Let index
the British Bankers Association, Council of
Monthly analysis of approximately 18,000
Mortgage Lenders and Bank of England. The
rental properties and tenancies in England
typical margin of error on a monthly basis
and Wales to determine rents, arrears, yields
is 1% compared to the Bank of England final
and voids. Figures for the whole country are
approvals data.
inferred by scaling up from LSL’s market share.
For further information or to view the latest copy
For further information or to view the latest copy of the report visit:
of the report visit:
e.surv chartered Surveyors
LSL First time Buyer Monitor Repossessions Release
This quarterly analysis uses the extensive data e.surv Chartered Surveyors produces
collected from registered first time buyers a biannual analysis of court-ordered
registering as buyers and also first time buyers repossessions, broken down by postcode.
arranging their mortgage with LSL’s Estate Agency For further information or to view the latest copy of the
Division to update the Council of Mortgage release visit:
Lenders’ (CML) first time buyer data. LSL Loan to
Value data is applied to CML price purchase data
to calculate deposit and affordability information.
LSL Property Press Awards
These awards celebrate the outstanding
Sentiment and salary data are derived from a
achievements of property journalists from
survey conducted by LSL.
across the UK culminating in a prestigious
For further information or to view the latest copy
of the monitor visit: awards event where winners of the seventeen
categories are announced. The awards, now in
its third year, will be announced on 18th March
2013 at 8 Northumberland Place, off Trafalgar
Square, London.
For further information visit: