Despite the continuing economic challenges in 2012, the Group has maintained its commitment to recruit, develop and invest in its people. LSL’s
approach is to prioritise learning and development to strengthen the business further and to ensure its continued success. For example, during 2012
e.surv Chartered Surveyors continued its successful partnership with the Mitre Group, one of the UK’s leading skills development organisations.
As a result, 204 (2011: 128) members of staff were trained to NVQ1, 2 and 3 levels across a range of programmes including customer service,
sales, leadership and management. The programme continues into 2013 with e.surv Chartered Surveyors’ employees completing 146 (2011: 31)
apprenticeships and 167 (2011: 21) stand alone NVQs. There are now 48 (2011: 60) members of staff on apprenticeship programmes many of whom
are nearing completion. Since 2011 e.surv Chartered Surveyors has employed a dedicated trainer to head up the Training Academy which supports
the apprenticeship and NVQ programmes. Further in 2012, the relationship with Mitre was extended to LSL Corporate Client Department where
it was rolled out to 11 people resulting in both Intermediate Apprenticeships in Team Leadership and Advanced Apprenticeship in Management
Directors’ Report and Business Review
3. communication
a. Employees:
LSL ensures that employees are kept informed of Group affairs via information distributed by post, e-mail, handbooks or the various intranet sites.
Group employees are encouraged to discuss strategic, operational and business issues within their teams and with their management.
The Board values employee feedback and employee opinion surveys are now operating across all parts of Group businesses on an annual basis. The
survey process itself has been continually evaluated and is being developed to maximise the validity and reliability of the data that is captured, which
is then presented to the Board as part of a regular review of employee matters which focuses on understanding the issues facing our employees.
KPIs such as labour turnover and responses to key questions (for example whether staff feel they will still be working for LSL in three years) are also
monitored to measure staff morale.
In addition in 2012, following the 2011 gender diversity survey undertaken by LSL, a further study was initiated which built on the findings of the
2011 review.
On strategic matters, LSL recognises and consults Unite.
e.surv Chartered Surveyors once again successfully achieved the Best Companies “One to Watch” status for 2012.
b. Customers:
In relation to its customers, all businesses regularly seek feedback from customers. This Feedback is obtained in a range of ways, including
relationship management meetings, formal questionnaires and mystery shopping exercises. This feedback is taken into account in our decision
making process and in particular in the development of our services to customers.
4. Equal opportunities
a. Gender Diversity:
Following the release of Lord Davies’ report on Gender Diversity, the Board commissioned an employee gender diversity survey which was
conducted in October 2011. This survey sought the views of senior female employees across the Group and in summary the survey concluded as
follows – the majority of the respondents:
1. felt confident that they had been promoted based on their performance and achievement;
2. disagreed that there were barriers to encourage women’s participation in positions of authority within the Group; and
3. confirmed that the Group is sufficiently diverse and positive towards females.
In 2012 a further study was undertaken to review gender career progression within LSL which highlighted differences in career progression. Following
completion of the study, recommendations are being adopted to address the issues highlighted by the study, which includes the development of
targeted training to support female employees to allow them to maximise their career progression within LSL.
LSL promotes equal opportunities in employment, recognising that equality and diversity are vital parts of its success and growth. LSL’s recruitment,
training and selection processes seek to appoint the best candidates based on suitability for the job and to treat all employees and applicants fairly
regardless of race, sex, marital status, nationality, ethnic origin, age, disability, religious belief or sexual orientation, and to ensure that no individuals
suffer harassment or intimidation.