Parent Company Balance Sheet
as at 31st December 2012
2012 2011
Note £’000 £’000
Fixed assets
Intangible fixed assets 2 – (204)
Tangible fixed assets 3 39 70
Investments 4 177,596 160,952
177,635 160,818
current assets
Debtors 5 32,880 28,269
creditors: amounts falling due within one year 6 (126,126) (88,398)
net current liabilities (93,246) (60,129)
total assets less current liabilities 84,389 100,689
creditors: amounts falling due after one year 7 (25,336) (39,765)
net Assets 59,053 60,924
capital and reserves
Called up share capital 10 208 208
Share premium account 11 5,629 5,629
Share-based payment reserve 11 1,526 912
Treasury shares 11 (2,691) (2,747)
Fair value reserve 11 10,677 –
Profit and loss account 11 43,704 56,922
Shareholders’ funds 59,053 60,924
The Financial Statements were approved by the Board on 28th February 2013 and were signed on its behalf by:
Steve cooke Simon Embley
Group Finance Director Group Chief Executive Officer
Financial Statements