Business Review
Directors’ Report and Business Review
e.surv Chartered Surveyors
Achievements/Awards 2012
e.surv Chartered Surveyors successfully e.surv Chartered Surveyors, LSL’s largest surveying business, has achieved a number
renewed the Barclays Bank plc surveying and of awards and accreditations:
valuation services contract for a 30 month
Equity Release Awards 2012
term commencing from 1st January 2012.
• Best Surveyor
Following Lloyds Banking Group’s decision to
take the C&G contract back in house, LSL has Mortgage Strategy Awards 2012
now worked through the renewal of all legacy • Best Surveyor/Valuer
contracts and the Board expects margins to Sunday times – Best companies 2012 – one to watch
stabilise around current levels in the short term. • e.surv Chartered Surveyors received this award in February 2012, having come extremely
The Surveying Division serves key lender clients close to being in the top 100 in 2011.
through both exclusive contracts and through iiP Accreditation
panel management arrangements. LSL is The Investors in People accreditation was once again achieved at the Head Office location
continuing to invest in the Surveying Division in Kettering.
business in order to maintain high service
levels for all clients. During 2012 we have MPF European Leadership Awards 2012
successfully trialled new tablet computers for • Best Innovation in Client Service or Relationship Management Nominee:
surveyors to use when performing valuations Having been listed as a finalist at the MPF European Practice Management Awards for Risk
on site and this is now being rolled out across Management in 2011, e.surv Chartered Surveyors has once again received a nomination in 2012.
all of our surveyors. Feedback from both This time the nomination for the MPF European Leadership Awards relates to client service and
key lender clients and private customers has relationship management. These awards recognise the integrated and embedded approach and
been consistently positive during 2012 and active involvement to relationship management promoted by e.surv Chartered Surveyors.
we are focused on meeting demanding key
BSi iSo 9001 Accreditation:
service measures. These include turnaround
• e.surv Chartered Surveyors once again secured an extension to its ISO 9001:2008, which
time for valuations reflecting LSL’s use of
was originally achieved in 1996. e.surv Chartered Surveyors again conformed 100% to the
innovative technology, including the new
requirements of the internationally recognised standard, when independently reviewed by
tablets, the flexibility of the panel management
the leading global provider of standards and certification body, British Standards Institution
arrangements and assisting lenders in the
(BSi). This also covers quality management systems, maintained by the International
management of the risk of mortgage fraud.
Organisation for Standardisation.