Group Income Statement
for the year ended 31st December 2012
2012 2011
Note £’000 £’000
Revenue 3 243,845 218,381
Operating expenses:
Employee and subcontractor costs 12 (142,224) (124,786)
Establishment costs (18,459) (15,886)
Depreciation on property, plant and equipment 15 (3,499) (2,581)
Other (46,926) (45,734)
(211,108) (188,987)
Rental income 3 1,120 1,044
Group’s share of profit after tax in joint ventures 17 1,283 679
group operating profit before contingent consideration, exceptional costs, amortisation and share-
based payments 35,140 31,117
Share-based payments 12 (647) (787)
Amortisation of intangible assets 14 (3,472) (8,472)
Exceptional (cost)/profit 7 (17,684) (2,048)
Contingent consideration 7 (4,152) (166)
group operating profit 4 9,185 19,644
Finance income 5 10 4
Finance costs 6 (2,891) (1,874)
Exceptional finance costs 7 429 (182)
net financial costs (2,452) (2,052)
Profit before tax 8 6,733 17,592
– related to exceptional costs and contingent consideration 5,288 570
– others (5,004) (4,927)
13 284 (4,357)
Profit for the year 7,017 13,235
Attributable to
– Owners of the parent 7,001 13,217
– Non-controlling interest 16 18
Earnings per share expressed in pence per share:
Basic 10 6.8 12.9
Financial Statements
Diluted 10 6.8 12.9
Adjusted – basic 10 23.8 21.0
Adjusted – diluted 10 23.8 21.0