Corporate Social Responsibility Statement (continued)
The programme aims to:
1. develop and implement a recycling strategy throughout the LSL Group to meeting its CSR objectives;
2. deliver a detailed plan to divert waste away from landfill; and
3. deliver a financial cost saving.
By the end of 2012 and in accordance with the target set by Your Move’s board to achieve a split of waste disposal of 50/50 between general waste
and dry mix recycling (DMR), Your Move has built on the progress it had made in 2011 and on average processed 44% of its waste via the DMR route.
Whilst this is below the aforementioned 50% target steps are being taken to address the shortfall, which include a review of branch activity during the
first quarter of 2013 with particular focus being given to those branches that consistently fail to achieve the DMR target.
Set out in the table below is a list of opportunities to support our green priorities together with progress achieved during the year:
2012 Initiatives (Introduced Status Progress
and Maintained)
Monitoring of Group energy 3 Benchmark data reported against which targets can be set.
consumption and the Smart Meters to monitor electricity consumption have been installed at 90% of Your Move branches (excluding
appointment of energy those sites where impractical). The installation of Smart Meters to monitor gas consumption by Your Move sites
champions across the Group. is planned for 2013.
Lighting initiatives, which 3 As part of the Estate Agency branch refurbishment and refresh works low energy light installations are
include the replacement incorporated (where possible).
of lighting with low energy Within the Surveying Division energy consumption measured in CO2 tonnes reduced by 10% in 2012. This
efficient alternatives and the reduction was achieved by continuing initiatives commenced in 2010, which includes switching printers and PCs
implementation of a “switch it off overnight; installing timers on drinks machines; air conditioning turned off in favour of natural ventilation
off” campaign. and turned off overnight and at weekends.
PIR lighting sensors installed.
Promotion of the installation 3 In place at the Surveying Division Head Office and processing sites.
of timer plugs on all appliances
Plans in place to introduce to other Head Office sites.
where appropriate.
Continued promotion of 3 The “Be Green” logo, which was designed and communicated to all Group companies is now
LSL environmental logo. in use on most marketing material.
Continued reduction in the 3 “Think before you print” appended to most Group email footers with plans to roll out to all.
use of paper by reducing the Continued investment in electronic record keeping avoiding the need to maintain paper files.
printing of emails and promoting
Where facilities exist, double sided copying is promoted and used.
double sided photocopying.
Emailing customers in 3 Estate Agency branches email property particulars and other communications to customers instead of posting.
preference to posting letters. Survey reports to private customers are delivered by email wherever customer consent is obtained.
Work flow management 3 The Surveying Division has invested in new automated technology which is expected to deliver savings both in
system developed. terms of use of paper and in terms of environmental impact by increasing the number of documents emailed
instead of posted.
Improved choice of low 3 LSL encourages company car users to select energy efficient cars, and offer a range of hybrid and efficient
emission cars on dynamic diesel models on the company car list. Average CO2 emissions for the fleet fell from 140.3
company car fleet. CO2 g/km in 2011 to 125.0 CO2g/km in 2012. The carbon footprint of LSL continues to fall as a result.
Encourage recycling of paper. 3 Across the Group, desk based bins are being discouraged with the bins placed centrally for the disposal of waste.
Further, employees are encouraged to use non-sensitive scrap paper as note paper.