14 City of Glasgow College Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
Student Experience Performance
Key Figures for 2018-20:
• £10.7m Spent on Student Financial Support
• 90% of Students rated their overall experience of the
application process as Good
• High satisfaction levels for counselling: evidence of
reduced stress for those receiving counselling
• 1,997 students had a Personal Learning Support Plan -
10% up on previous year
• Launch of Digital Mental Health and Well Being Platform
- "Big White Wall"
• 349 "8 steps to success" Student Engagement
Workshops delivered, with 6,369 participants
• 93% retention Rate for students engaged in Yoga
• Sector-leading Mental Health Conference in November
The John Muir Award encourages participants to explore
'wild spaces'.145 students from Supported Education,
Travel & Tourism, Women in Construction and Graphic Arts
participated in the 2020 project and received their Bronze
The Class Representation System at City of Glasgow
College continues to be vibrant and engaged with 96% of
class representatives elected across the College.
At WorldSkills UK LIVE 2019 held in Birmingham, City of
Glasgow College emerged the 2nd highest performing
college, out of 260 colleges and training providers, with 14
medals awarded across 11 skills areas. These comprised
5 gold, 2 silver, 5 bronze and 2 highly commended. A full
report is provided below under Learning and Teaching.
Further details of the College's performance in WorldSkills
is reported below under Learning and Teaching.
Performance Review and Improvement
City of Glasgow College is committed to the continuous
improvement and enhancement of the student experience
thus enabling the College's purpose to 'Let Learning
Flourish'. The College utilises a number of approaches
to engage with students as part of the evaluation of our
services and curriculum. These approaches include My
Student Experience surveys and Stop-Check-Support
meetings (SCS). The purpose of these meetings is to assist
each teaching team to evaluate and to systematically
plan improvement of the Student Experience. The output
from Stop-Check-Support meetings informs the Faculty
improvement plans.
Meetings are conducted by Curriculum Heads with the
class representatives, teaching team, and support staff.
The purpose of the meetings is to consider planning
for improvement of issues impacting upon student
progress and the student experience. Discussion of
individual student performance take place without student
representatives present.
In 2019/2020 the Student Partnership Agreement
continued to employ a dynamic approach to engage
students in the quality improvement process, by linking
topics from the Student Experience Strategy to the My
Voice ideas platform. In Block One students were asked
questions around sustainability which resulted in three new
• The first Big City Campus Clean Up for Students and
• Development of the publication of College sustainable
• Commitment to embedding Sustainability projects into
the wider curriculum.
In student surveys 88% of students are aware of the
process for electing a class representative, and 90%
expressed satisfaction with the quality of their course.
Management Training
The College developed a bespoke management training
programme to support all existing and new managers.
As part of this training participants were introduced to
approaches to working collectively to achieve the College's
strategic objectives.
Outturns Reporting to Board of Management
The College Strategic Plan 2017-25 is driven by five
supporting strategies, each with a set of performance
measures and targets. These are designed to drive
improvement across all functions of the College, and
an out-turns report on performance against targets is
presented to the Board annually.
In 2019-20 the following Outturn RAG status results
against targets were reported to the Board of Management
under the respective Supporting Strategies. These are
expressed as percentage proportions of each RAG status
per strategy:
The College curriculum planning process for all curriculum
areas is well embedded and has provided a robust vehicle
for continuous improvement and review of our offer. The
objectives of curriculum planning are:
• to set targets and develop a Faculty improvement plan.
• to consider the Curriculum offer for the 2020/21
academic year so that any adjustments can be made
prior to information being available to prospective
Supporting Strategy % Red % Amber % Green
Student Experience 28 44 28
People and Culture 22 56 22
Corporate Development 17 25 58
Systems Integration (IT) 0 45 55
Sustainability 9 27 64