City of Glasgow College Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
Responsibilities of the Board of Management and
its Committees
The responsibilities of the Board of Management
Committees are outlined in the respective Committee
Terms of Reference as published on the College website at:
A summary of the Board of Management's responsibilities,
and those delegated to the respective Committees, is
provided under the Governance Statement below.
Directors Report
The membership of the Board of Management is detailed
at Section 7 below, and includes all Board members who
served for part or the whole of the reporting period. The
individual records of Register of Interests of each of these
members is available on the College Website at:
The Executive Leadership Team serving in 2019-20:
Paul Little Principal and Chief Executive Officer
Dr Sheila Lodge Depute Principal
Dr Claire Carney Vice Principal Student Experience
(from 6 January 2020)
Stuart Thompson Vice Principal Corporate Services
Roy Gardner Executive Director Corporate
Development & Innovation
John Gribben Executive Director Human Resources
(from 1 July 2020)
Details of the Executive Leadership Team, and respective
duties is available on the College Website at: https://www.
Governance Statement
This governance statement is provided to summarise
the operation, responsibilities, structure and functions of
the College Board of Management and its Committees,
with approaches employed to ensure effectiveness and
improvement. Due cognizance has been given to the
guidance set out in the Governance Statement section of
the Scottish Public Finance Manual (SPFM).
The arrangements for strategic development are included,
as are those for the identification, evaluation, and
management of organizational risks, and the monitoring
of internal controls. The statement concludes with a
confirmation of the College as a going concern.
The College was incorporated in 1993 by the Further and
Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992, in accordance with
which the Board is responsible for the administration and
management of the College's affairs, including ensuring
an effective system of internal control, and is required to
present audited financial statements for each financial year.
The College is a registered charity (Scottish Charity Number
SC036198) for the purposes of the Charities and Trustee
Investment (Scotland) Act 2005.
The College was assigned to the Regional Board for
Glasgow Colleges on 1 August 2014 by the Assigned
Colleges (Scotland) Order 2014, SSI 2014/80.
The Board comprises the Principal, independent members,
two nominated student members, one elected teaching staff
member and one elected support staff member. The roles
of Chair and Vice Chair are distinct from the role of Chief
Executive, the Principal. The Board Vice Chair serves as the
Senior Independent Member of the Board.
Statement of Board of Management's
The Board is responsible for:
• Leading the College.
• Supporting the Principal and the Executive team.
• Demonstrating independence, integrity, and
• Bringing fresh and innovative perspectives.
• Seeking full information and questioning.
• Holding management to account and challenging
• Ensuring it is diverse and has a good balance of skills and
• Ensuring delivery of the College's responsibilities under
the Regional Outcome Agreement (ROA).
• Preparing the College's financial statements under the
Further and Higher Education (Scotland) Act 1992 (as
To the best of the Board's knowledge and belief, the
External Auditors have been informed of all relevant
details pertinent to the independent audit. The Board of
Management accepts responsibility for the Annual Report
and Accounts being fair, balanced, and understandable.
The Board of Management governance framework sets
out the roles, accountabilities and expectations for board
members, board committees, staff and students. The Board
of Management Articles of Governance are publicly available
via the College website.
In 2019-20 the Board maintained its additional responsibility
from 2013-14, i.e. to provide to the Scottish Funding
Council an annual report on the College-led review of the
preceding academic year, together with an annual statement
of assurance on quality during that year. This responsibility is
ongoing on a yearly basis.