City of Glasgow College Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
In 2019-20 the College had approved consultancy
expenditure of £390,000 (2018-19 - £359,000).
Equality Diversity and Inclusion Statement
The College has an ED&I Policy, which presents our
Mainstreaming Vision:
"To nurture an environment in which the equality,
diversity and inclusion of students, staff and visitors
from all backgrounds are routinely anticipated, expertly
accommodated and positively celebrated."
As detailed by the College's ED&I Initiative 2017-2025,
key aspects of effectively mainstreaming the Public Sector
Equality Duty across College functions are:
• Strategic management and operations.
• Evidence consideration.
• Student, staff and community engagement and
The College is committed to developing a diverse workforce
which reflects the communities we serve. As such, we
will appoint, develop and promote on the basis of merit
and ability alone and strive to ensure fairness, advance
opportunities and foster respect for all our applicants and
In relation to disabled applicants in particular, we will
consider all applications for employment, bearing in
mind the aptitudes of the individuals concerned. Where
an existing employee becomes disabled every effort is
made to ensure that their employment with the College
continues. The College's policy is to provide training, career
development and opportunities for promotion to disabled
staff which are, as far as possible, identical to those for
other employees.
City of Glasgow College also understands that it is essential
to develop a supportive organisational culture, which values
people from all sections of society and the contribution each
individual can make. In short, the College will strive never to
discriminate because of:
• Age.
• Disability.
• Gender identity and reassignment.
• Marriage and civil partnership.
• Pregnancy and maternity.
• Race.
• Religion or belief.
• Sex.
• Sexual orientation.
We endeavour to ensure that all our staff policies,
procedures, practices and benefits are inclusive across
all these protected characteristics. All Colleges policies,
procedures and decisions will undergo an Equality Impact
Assessment (EqIA). Please see the ED&I section of the
College website for more details.
Statement of Responsibilities of the Accountable
The Accountable Officer confirms the following:
• as far as they are aware, there is no relevant audit
information of which the body's auditors are unaware
• that the Accountable Officer has taken all the steps that
they ought to have taken to make themselves aware
of any relevant audit information and to establish that
the body's auditors are aware of that information
• that the annual report and accounts as a whole is fair,
balanced and understandable
• that they take personal responsibility for the annual
report and accounts and the judgments required for
determining that it is fair, balanced and understandable.
Signed: Paul Little, Principal and Chief Executive:
Date: 18th December 2020