22 City of Glasgow College Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
Internal Audit Report and Recommendations High Medium Low Overall
Student Recruitment Targets 0 0 1 Good
Students Fees 0 0 3 Satisfactory
Quality Assurance and Development 0 0 1 Good
Staff/Organisational Development 0 0 3 Good
2018-19 Student Activity Data 0 0 0 N/A
Business Continuity 0 0 1 Good
Payroll 0 0 1 Good
Risk Management 0 0 2 Good
Procurement and Creditors Purchasing 0 0 9 Satisfactory
Web-based services 0 0 7 Satisfactory
Totals 0 0 28
Internal Audits 2019-20 Summary:
The internal Audit Annual Report for 2018-19 was reviewed
and it was noted by the Internal Auditor that there had
been significant issues around, Data Protection, Health
and Safety, and the fraud discovered by the College that
session. Improvement actions and recommendations had
been progressed, and in the case of the fraud, a forensic
review undertaken by the Internal Auditor. Outwith these
issues, the Internal Auditor found that "the College has
adequate and effective arrangements for risk management,
control and governance. Proper arrangements are in place
to promote and secure Value for Money." (IA Annual Report
2018-19 p3).
Ref: Internal Audit Reports to the Audit Committee 2019-20: MHA Henderson Loggie