28 City of Glasgow College Annual Report & Accounts 2019-20
Accountability Report
This report is subject to independent audit opinion
Internal Auditor's Report 2019-20
The Internal Auditor has provided an Annual Report for
2019-20, which indicates the following comment on
significant issues:
"All of our internal audit work conducted in 2019/20
assessed systems as 'Satisfactory', or provided an
unqualified audit opinion on College returns, and there were
therefore no significant issues identifying major internal
control weaknesses arising from our internal audit work in
these areas. In general, procedures were operating well in
the areas selected, but a few areas for further strengthening
were identified and action plans have been agreed to
address these issues."
The Internal Audit Report provided the following
In our opinion, the College has adequate and effective
arrangements for risk management, control and governance.
Proper arrangements are in place to promote and secure
Value for Money. This opinion has been arrived at taking into
consideration the work we have undertaken during 2019-20.
This included follow-up of recommendations made by the
College's previous internal auditors.
With Governance Statement