Ethics: integrity
and objectivity
Integrity, independence and objectivity are the three key ethical principles
to which all audit firms must subscribe. Adherence to them is therefore central
to the culture of our firm and its business.
The Management Board and RSM UK
Holdings Ltd Board give a high degree
of priority to ethics in every part of the
business. Consistent with this, as the firm
has grown, we have increased the size of
our Ethics Function and, in many respects,
our policies and procedures go beyond
regulatory requirements.
Ethics materials are readily available for staff
and partners to consult and these materials are
kept refreshed for any changes to the external
ethical obligations to which the firm is subject
(eg 'FRC Revised Ethical Standard 2019', and
the Institutes' Codes of Ethics), as well as the
firm's own ethical policies.
There are three specific support tools
available to staff:
● the 'Ethics Toolkit' (an intranet-based,
one-stop facility that acts as an
immediate source of ethical guidance);
● computer-based learning for those
engaged in audit and non-audit
activities; and
● access to advice from the Ethics
Partner, Deputy Ethics Partner
or a member of the Ethics Team.
Staff receive regular short messages on
ethics via front page intranet news alerts.
These remind practitioners and support
staff of their responsibilities, showcase any
major developments in the ethics space and
discuss any ethical issues that have arisen in
accountancy firms over the year.