RSM International's
commitment to quality
Quality is the bedrock of our network and a
common foundation across all RSM Member
Firms. We focus on ensuring RSM Members
have the common methods and processes
needed to continuously enhance the quality of
the services they deliver.
To ensure quality matters receive the time
and attention necessary to drive uniform
high-quality professional services, the Board
established the Transnational Assurance
Services Executive Committee (TASEC).
On 1 April 2021, TASEC was succeeded by the
Global Quality Committee (GQC) with a clarified
remit to monitor quality across all service lines.
TASEC/GQC's responsibilities include:
● Promulgation and monitoring of
compliance with all standards issued by
the International Auditing and Assurance
Standards Board and the International
Ethics Standards Board for Accountants
● Establishing policies and guidelines for
both the RSM Member Firm inspection
programme and the RSM global
inspection programme
● Monitoring the management of quality
assurance activities conducted by the
RSM Global Executive Office
● Review of due diligence reports for the
admission of new Member Firms
● Approval of global and Member Firm
inspection reports, and action plans to
address deficiencies identified from the
global inspection programme
● Oversight of the development,
promulgation and monitoring of
compliance with the requirements of:
○ RSM Orb
○ RSM Quality Assurance and
Risk Containment Policies
○ RSM Ethics and
Independence Policies
○ RSM Anti-Bribery and
Corruption Policies
○ Policies and Procedures for the Global
Inspection Programme and Member
Firm Inspection Programme
○ RSM Assurance Services Training
and Continued Professional
Development Policies