The RSM UK group
The principal service lines of the group are
Audit, Restructuring Advisory, Tax, Accounting,
Business Advisory, Outsourcing, Corporate
Finance, Risk Assurance, Consulting, Legal
Services and HR Services. The parent company,
RSM UK Holdings Limited, derives its income
primarily from dividends from subsidiaries and
from a profit share, as a member of RSM UK
Group LLP. RSM UK Holdings Limited is owned
by its shareholders who are mainly current
and former partners. Arrandco Investments
Limited, which is a 100% subsidiary of the
parent company, holds investments in single
purpose companies which do not impact the
audit function. Audit staff are employed by RSM
UK Tax and Accounting Limited and support staff
are supplied by RSM UK Management Limited.
Audit Committee
RSM UK Holdings Limited has, as part of its
governance procedures, an Audit Committee
which is a sub-committee of the Board. The
Audit Committee comprises four members who
are appointed by the Board.
The Committee has clearly defined terms of
reference, which are reviewed annually and are
available from the Company Secretary and on
the website.
The Audit Committee as at 31 July 2021
Rachel Fleming
Audit Partner
Howard Freedman
Chair, Director of RSM UK
Holdings and Audit Partner
Ross Stupart
Tax Partner
Vijay Thakrar
Non-Executive Director
and INE for RSM UK Audit LLP