Policies and procedures
The firm has well-established systems and
procedures in place to help safeguard the
objectivity of staff and avoid conflicts of interest,
whilst complying with ethical and other
applicable standards.
Theses policies and procedures:
● cover relationships with audited entities, rotation of audit
partners and senior staff, fees and the provision of non-audit
services to audited entities;
● require partners and staff to declare financial interests held
by themselves, members of their immediate or close family
or in their capacity as trustee in any client or affiliate;
● provide clear guidelines for dealing with 'inducements' (gifts,
hospitality and sponsorship) so that any self-interest threat
is avoided and objectivity is not impaired. The firm has a
clear and extensive gifts and hospitality policy in place to
determine whether or not a gift or hospitality should be
accepted and it is kept refreshed and measured against
regulator and third party expectation; and
● provide guidance on business and other relationships with
clients, and the purchasing of goods and services in the
normal course of business.