set of benchmarks to align all Members of the RSM
international network behind a common vision to
achieve RSM's global strategic objectives. Member
Firms agree to specific requirements in their
membership agreement with regard to expected
Member behaviours, but we also encourage Firms
to maintain their own personality while still serving
the needs of the network at the highest level.
International Board of Directors
The RSM International Board of Directors is the
governing body of RSM International Limited.
Its objectives and responsibilities include:
● Creating, approving, and overseeing
implementation of the international
strategy for the network
● Oversight of matters relating to the
membership of RSM, including
admitting new Members and
termination of membership
● Oversight of the ethical and effective
leadership of the network
● Approving RSM International's budget,
operational plan and Member Firm fees
● Safeguarding the Company's assets
and satisfying itself that the Company
has adequate systems and control
processes in place
● Strategic risk management of RSM
International and oversight of risk
management policies and best practices
● Overseeing a process to ensure
adherence to quality standards by
Member Firms
● Assessing and determining the
CEO's remuneration
The Directors are appointed for a
period of three years, after which
they become eligible for re-election
for a further three-year term.
There is provision for the appointment of an
additional three directors by the Board who
may serve for a period up to three years and
who would also be eligible for reappointment.
The Chair is also elected for a three-year term
and may be re-elected for up to two further
three-year terms. Neither the Chair nor the
Directors are remunerated.
The current Chairperson of the International
Board of Directors is Brian Eaton from RSM South
Africa. The full-time CEO is Jean M. Stephens
who leads the Global Executive Office, based
in London. The CEO has overall responsibility
for leading on the execution of the network's
strategy, and to develop and grow RSM for
its Members.