● staff development and talent
management initiatives; and
● resource allocation.
Information from the AMT meetings is taken by
the RAMPs and cascaded down to their regional
teams through regular regional RI and AQL
meetings, and meetings of AGMs and AQCs.
The AMT meets monthly and is joined, by
invitation, by representatives from Quality
Assurance, Training, Human Resources
and Marketing.
Audit Management Team appraisals
The AMT is subject to the same rigorous
appraisal regime which is in place for all partners.
The process involves a self-assessment by
the partner, peer reviews from other partners,
upward feedback from the manager group,
feedback from QAD and feedback collected from
clients. There is a formal appraisal session which
results in an agreed personal action plan for the
forthcoming year.
The AMT appraisals are carried out by the
Head of Audit and the Head of Audit's appraisal
is carried out by the Chairman of RSM UK
Holdings Limited.