International network
RSM UK Group LLP is the UK Member Firm of RSM International, the sixth
largest global network of independent audit, tax and consulting Firms.
Legal structure and ownership
RSM International Limited is incorporated
in England and Wales (company number
04040598) and its registered office is at
50 Cannon Street, London, EC4N 6JJ. RSM
International is a private company limited by
guarantee. It is the network umbrella company
and does not provide services to clients.
RSM is the brand name used by
Members of the RSM international
network of independent professional
services firms.
Member Firms of RSM are all separate legal
entities practising in their own right. The
network is not itself a separate legal entity
in any jurisdiction and membership of the
network does not make any Firm responsible
for the services of other Firms.
Member Firms are driven by a common vision of
providing high-quality professional services both in
their domestic market and in serving the international
professional service needs of their client base.
The RSM network connects Member Firms
through a unified brand and common methods
and processes, including commonly agreed
and applied quality standards. This connection
provides comfort to RSM Member Firm partners
and their clients that the quality of service and
advice to referred clients will be to a consistently
high standard, everywhere in the world.
The brand and trademark RSM and other
intellectual property rights used by members
of the network are owned by RSM International
Association, an association governed by article
60 et seq of the Civil Code of Switzerland
whose seat is in Zug.
Requirements of Member Firms
RSM sets expectations for Member Firms to
ensure that there are consistently high standards
of performance and capability throughout RSM.
These expectations describe how we conduct
ourselves in professional dealings and how
Member Firms connect with each other and with
their clients. This is not a set of rules, but rather a