Each individual RSM Member Firm is required
to establish a monitoring process designed to
provide it with reasonable assurance that the
policies and procedures relating to the system
of quality control over its assurance and other
professional services practices are relevant,
adequate, operating effectively, are aligned
with RSM expectations and all requirements
established by the International Federation of
Accountants (IFAC) standard-setting boards.
A range of sanctions is available where it
is determined that a Member Firm is not
complying with its membership obligations
including strategy, branding, quality standards,
risk management and ethics and independence
policies and processes. The proposed sanctions
are presented by the Global Executive Office to
TASEC/GQC for review and a recommendation
is then made to the Chief Executive Officer
for approval. Where a Member Firm appeals
against an approved sanction, the appeal is
considered by the Board or a sub-committee of
the Board.
Under the Articles of Association,
the Board has the ultimate authority
with regard to the sanction of
termination of membership.