Fairytale châteaux
Fields of Provence lavender
Hunting down hidden treasures
Beautiful buildings, châteaux with fairytale pointed
towers, ancient churches, old golden stone houses -
mine dates back to the 13th century - the joy of opening
bedroom curtains in the morning to look over a sea of
ancient russet-coloured tiled roofs.
The French love dogs, each time I take mine for a walk
around my village, someone always stops to talk.
As I pass, I hear classical music from one house, and
wonderful cooking smells from another! It takes dog
walking to a whole new level!
Ease of travel - the great roads (few potholes!). And by
TGV it takes just two hours from my local station in
South West France to Paris.
The French are incredibly polite and always greet you
with a handshake or 'bises' (kiss on the cheek), just how
many depends on which part of the country you live in!
The beautiful light - especially in Provence - no wonder
the Impressionists loved to paint there!
Discovering regional foods and dishes - so many to try,
so li le time!
Wine tasting with friends in Saint-Émilion, especially
with someone who knows good wine!
Feasting on the ballet in Bordeaux, shopping in the
Chartreuse, browsing antique shops and then choosing
between fabulous restaurants for lunch.
Visiting brocantes, fi nding all sorts of wonders from
tables and chairs to armoires, beautiful old carved beds
and things to upcycle.
I love the changing seasons, watching the migration of
the cranes (Grus) which fl y right over my garden.
And lastly, coming home to my lovely ancient house
and my garden - my parents, loved my home from the
moment they fi rst visited, for me it's a love aff air which
My local market
20. My local market
My local market
My local market
My local market