Buy a newbuild and get peace of
mind thrown in for free. Joanna
Legget explains why a newly built
home is a perfect fit for many clients
NEW Pourquoi pas du neuf ?
ous avons des centaines de belles maisons
neuves à vendre à travers la France. Que ce
soient des chefs-d'œuvre architecturaux ou des
appartements dans de grands projets, ils vous
permettront d'être à approximité du départ du parcours de
golf, ou au pied des pistes de ski.
1. Vous achetez chez un promoteur et le bien est livré avec
une garantie de 10 ans.
2. Vous serez dans un environnement adapté à vos
3. Les coûts d'achat sont plus bas - autour de 3% sur
l'immobilier neuf.
4. Vous ferez un geste pour l'environnement , en achetant
dans le cadre d'un de nos projets écologiques où sont
utilisés des matériaux naturels.
5. Le prix et avantages fiscaux - les promoteurs comprennent que le marché
intérieur reste stable et font les prix
en conséquence. Vous pouvez également, sous certaines
conditions, bénéficier de dispositifs de défiscalisation tels
que le Pinel ou le LMNP.
E HAVE hundreds
of great
new homes
for sale right
across France.
These range from individually
designed architectural masterpieces
to apartments within big
developments that allow you to
be on the first tee or hitting the
ski slopes within seconds.
Buy from a developer and you'll
have a 10-year guarantee. Let's
face it: this is a big weight off
your shoulders during what can
be a stressful decision-making period. Modern building
regulations in France also mean
that you'll be getting a well
insulated and energy friendly
property. This will bring additional savings.
Buy in a development and your
environment will be tailored to
your needs. In a ski development you'll
be able to hit the
slopes in double quick time. In
a seaside development you'll
be ready to laze on the beach
- no long car journeys home
with kids covered in sand and
ice cream melting on the back
seat. The same goes for other
passions such as golf, hiking,
cycling and city living. Why
not seek out a home alongside
kindred spirits?
You'll have lower purchase
costs. If you buy a newbuild,
you'll make a big saving on notaire's
fees, which are typically
around 3% on a new property.
On a €200,000 apartment you'll
save around €8,000, which
goes quite a way towards buying your
You'll be doing your bit for the
environment. We've spoken
about better insulation and
lower running costs: you could
also consider buying in one of
our eco-developments, where
natural materials are used.
We're marketing properties
within an eco-neighbourhood
on the Côte d'Azur, for example.
All the parking there is underground,
and each space has an
electric pump so you can top
up your battery every evening.
Developers understand that the
domestic market remains flat
and they are pricing accordingly.
This gives your investment a
triple whammy of a low starting
point, low purchase fees and
low running costs.
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