Le Sud
82 leggettfrance.com
medieval castles, tales and legends to please even
the most
ardent historian.
Moving into my own region of
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
(PACA), you'll find a totally different
feel to the area. Perhaps
it's the Italian fashion influence:
you'll notice that the way
people dress, speak, eat and
behave is different to the rest
of France.
Take your convertible for a
drive along any of the famous
Corniches, which hang off the
sides of the hills on the run into
Nice. I defy you not to stop at
the first bar you see and ask
for a dry Martini 'shaken, not
stirred'. If you do, it should be
three measures of Gordon's,
one of vodka and half a measure
of Kina Lillet.
Once again, move inland
and you'll be pleasantly
surprised at the great value
of certain properties. We have
teams in all six départements
and a total portfolio of over
800 properties to choose from
in PACA. I really can say that we
have something for everyone.
La Méditerranée est reconnue pour être le lieu
de villégiature des stars, cependant derrière le
glamour et les paillettes des stations huppées de
la Côte d'Azur, vous avez de ravissants villages
traditionnels avec de charmantes propriétés tout à
fait abordables.
Plus à l'Ouest, dans le Languedoc-Roussillon,
vous serez agréablement surpris de découvrir une
région exceptionnelle avec un vaste littoral et 9
stations de ski où le prix moyen de l'immobilier est
de seulement 179 000 €. Un pays qui regorge de
monuments et de sites attestant de la riche histoire
de cette région où la culture catalane espagnole est
encore bien présente.
La région PACA, influencée quant à elle par la dolce
vita italienne, offre une gastronomie et un style de
vie unique. Nous avons des équipes dans chacun
des 6 départements et, avec un portefeuille de plus
de 800 propriétés dans la région, nous avons de
quoi satisfaire tous les budgets.
NB : Climate shows average sunshine hours per year supplied by Meteo
France & compared to UK rate of 1,341 pa. Property prices supplied by
Notaires de France and correct at time of going to press.
Provence-AlpesCôte d'Azur
2,724 €290,000
2,668 €179,000
"Saint Chinian is one of my favourites as it's
so perfectly located. You can get to the airport
at Béziers in around 45 minutes - and it's less
than that to the nearest beaches. In fact, it's
oten advertised as being 'between the mountains
and the sea'. The local St Chinian wine is
an AOC (Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée) and
the traditional village life revolves around the
lovely, twice-weekly market."
Rebecca Kyte is one of our agents in the
Tim Clark
is our area
for eastern