Le Sud-Ouest
Leggett Immobilier est né dans un village périgourdin, limitrophe
du département de la Charente.
Avant de couvrir quasiment tout l'hexagone, les
premiers agents Leggett étaient basés dans le
Sud-Ouest : un ensemble de régions d'une grande
diversité géographique et culturelle mais qui ont
en commun leur popularité auprès des acquéreurs
Que vous préfériez l'Aquitaine, les Midi-Pyrénées
ou le Poitou-Charentes, nous pourrons vous offrir
une belle sélection de propriétés allant de granges
abandonnées à rénover à certains des plus beaux
domaines présents sur le marché.
La règle d'or est la suivante : plus vous vous rapprochez
d'une grande ville (Bordeaux, La Rochelle,
Toulouse, Bayonne, etc.) ou de la côte, plus les prix
grimpent. Les prix les plus bas se trouvent dans les
zones rurales où le charme traditionnel des petits
villages ne manque pas d'attirer les touristes et
acquéreurs potentiels. N'oubliez pas non plus les
Pyrénées, une alternative abordable aux Alpes,
pour les passionnés de sports d'hiver et de VTT. 91
"The riverside town of Jarnac sits
just upstream of world famous
Cognac. It's particularly prety, which
makes it popular with international
buyers. Some of the surrounding villages,
nestling in the vineyards and
rolling hills, are most atractive."
Janet Lea is one of our agents covering the
Charente valley.
NB : Climate shows average sunshine hours per year supplied by Meteo France
& compared to UK rate of 1,341 pa. Property prices supplied by Notaires de
France and correct at time of going to press.
Aquitaine 2,035 €180,000
Midi-Pyrénées 2,031 €156,000
Poitou-Charentes 1.995 €138,000
You'll find a similar cosmopolitan atmosphere
on the
Pyrénées-Atlantiques coast,
where towns like Biarritz and
Bayonne attract visitors from all
over the world - particularly a
younger crowd who like surfing
and beach life.
Further east in the Midi
-Pyrénées you'll find a similar
variety of landscapes, this time
spread over no less than eight
départements. It's impossible to
cover all of the different property markets
in such a short
article. The golden rule is that
rural property is cheaper, while
property in, or close to, big
towns such as Toulouse comes
at a premium.
Three of the départements
here touch the Spanish border.
The mountain properties offer
terrific value to those who
like winter sports. There are
also daunting climbs for the
men and women who like to
squeeze into lycra and follow
in the footsteps of Bradley
Wiggins and company.
Away from the mountains
you'll find this is a region with
more than its fair share of 'Les
plus beaux villages de France' so
you'll never be short of somewhere
to go on a rainy day.
Finally, we come to Poitou-Charentes,
which has been the one
region to retain its popularity
with international buyers
throughout the financial crisis
of the last seven years.
This could be due to the
climate: the area inland from
La Rochelle is the second
sunniest part of France. Or
the beautiful beaches - take a
look at Royan or the stunning
cove of Meschers just south
of it. Then there are the rolling
vineyards that provide grapes
for famous Cognac houses such
as Hennessy, Rémy Martin and
Courvoisier. And we can't forget
the Charente river valley, which
hosts an array of small villages and market
towns pretty
enough to adorn a chocolate
The northern départements
- the Vienne and the DeuxSèvres
- also boast beautiful
countryside, historic towns and
villages. There's a wide choice
of property offering particularly
good value for money too. LEGGETT MAGAZINE SOUTH WEST FRANCE