The day skipper courses, run
by the RYA, are available in many
countries around Europe, and so
can be considered an enjoyable
mini-break with benefits.
Sailing schools in Gibraltar
offer the course for around a
thousand euros with board and
food included. These courses
involve a four day stint in the
classroom and five days of instruction at sea, with trips to
Morocco and Spanish ports
on one of their well equipped
boats. It's a thoroughly educational and enjoyable
way to
achieve a qualification.
In the most popular ports
waiting lists for a berth can be
quite long. It's a good idea to
put yourself on the waiting lists
in a few ports if you are thinking about
getting a boat in the
future, it doesn't cost anything
and you can always decline any
berths that are offered to you.
It's not uncommon to turn a
berth down and stay on the list.
It's a great time to buy a
second-hand boat, the choice is
huge and can suit pretty much
any budget. A little trailer sailer
is a great way to start your life
on the ocean waves and avoids
the cost of a permanent berth,
be careful though, you will soon
be looking at the neighbours'
boats and thinking, I need a boat
that's just a little bigger!
Royal yachting association for
training information.
Rock sailing Gibraltar.
Capitanerie La Rochelle for
information on berths.
A useful second hand boat site.