A busy month. It's time to start feeding
your plants - I use comfrey leaves left to
soak in a pot of water - it makes a fairly strong
smelling mixture so add more water before
applying. Time also to sow seeds and
divide perennials (you should have started
doing this last October). By now tulips,
pansies, forget-me-nots, narcissi and
aubretia will be filling your garden with
colour. Time also to tidy and start weeding
before mulching.
May is a joy in the French garden - there are
wonderful plant fairs throughout France with
the widest variety of perennials, and buy exactly
what you need - I often think it's better
than growing from seed as the work has been
done for you. In the garden irises, peonies, rhododendrons
and azaleas (depending upon your
soil type - the latter don't like the chalk soil in
my garden), wisteria, wallflowers, laburnum
and delphiniums will be in flower - enough to
fill your heart with joy. I plant tomatoes, aubergines,
peppers and basil in pots and keep them
in a sunny spot close to the garden door so I can
easily water and watch them grow!
This month it's all about weeding, tidying, watering
and mulching. Time to support plants and deadhead,
deadhead, deadhead to ensure your plants carry on
blooming. Your garden should be a riot of colour as
roses, clematis, ageratums, zinnias, nicotianas, verbenas
and salvias are all in bloom. I love hollyhocks - romantically
named roses trémières here - they should
be at their peak now and lavender is in full bloom too!