France is home to some truly spectacular properties,
rich in architecture and design and full to the brim
with centuries' worth of history. If their walls could
talk, who knows what stories they would have to tell!
o experience France's
deep and rich history,
you need only venture
inwards. Countless
untouched, historical
homes are currently on the market,
imbued with character and charm
and riddled with original features
that tell the story of all those who
walked the halls before us. All
they are waiting for is the right
person to come along and peel
back their layers, dig deep into
their foundations and uncover their
Often called hidden gems,
there's nothing hidden about these
properties! Templar commanderies,
abandoned abbeys, ancient manors
with secret passageways and
winding corridors, there's plenty of
history to go around! I have heard
tales of people hidden in attics
accessed by hidden doors, of gold
found below châteaux floors; the
stories are endless! From barns and
ruins to châteaux and immaculate
renovations, there is an abundant
choice of historic properties for you
to make your own.
If you're looking for an historic
property to renovate thoroughly,
like the UK, France has a listing
system for protecting buildings of
historic or architectural interest
to preserve their cultural heritage.
Once a building is listed, various
authorities will need to oversee
and approve any renovation project
you wish to undertake. Even if a
property isn't listed, there may
still be restrictions should it lie
within 500 metres of an ancient
church or in a Listed Village. The
Bâtiments de France is the bestknown
authority on this matter.
Their architects provide expert
advice and even approve plans, but
your first stop should always be to
your local Mairie, as they will guide
you along the way, and you'll need
to introduce yourself if you plan to
Ref: T135266DSN06